Tuesday, November 8, 2011


A staple of perusing the web for me is checking in with Mr. A Continuous Lean. To my delight his most recent post is on Unionmade, one of the dopest menswear stores in SF and probably anywhere.

He takes some great shots showcasing the shop and chronicles his conversations on "heritage". Here's an excerpt: "Visiting the shop and seeing the selection and careful merchandising, it’s no wonder that stuff is flying out the door. It’s a funny thing too, because the “heritage” obit is in the paper everyday. Heritage is a sneaky little bastard like that, all refusing to die and everything. Refusing to allow the growing segment of young creatives who view themselves as “real” blue collar dudes to stop being so pissed off because a bunch of “hipsters” co-opted their shit." Read more, here.

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